E06 - Support Network - Finding The Right Mixture

E06 - Support Network - Finding The Right Mixture

Welcome to Episode 6 of “How to build your Resilience”!

Having a great mixture within your Support Network, is another key dimension of building and maintaining your Resilience.

Resilient people and Leaders cultivate, nurture and grow their Network, to provide them with the right balance between Support and (positive) Challenge.

However, there are people we have to spend time with that we find challenging, for a whole variety of reasons!

Within this Episode, I chat through a “tool” to enable you to:

  • clarify who you are spending most/least time with

  • understand how this is balanced in terms of people that energise you and those that don’t

  • identify strategies to create the best balance.

Something to take notice of is that “we become (traits, values, behaviours) the sum of the 5 people we spend most time with”……

So - who are your 5…?
