E05 - Adaptability - A Really Key Aspect Of Resilience.

E05 - Adaptability - A Really Key Aspect Of Resilience

Welcome to Episode 5 of “How to build your Resilience”!

Adaptability is about our general “openness to change” and this can by impacted by many factors:

  • the amount of change we’ve recently experienced

  • whether we “like” or “dislike” the change we have to do

  • our overall emotional and physiological state

  • our natural propensity for curiosity

Some of the latest research around Resilience has shown that; those people who are able to achieve Thrive, rather than Coping and Surviving, spend at least a third of their time “working upon” their Adaptability - what does that mean to you?

Finally, improving your capacity to Adapt also improves your capability to be Agile!
