Resilience can Transform Performance
Resilience is the ability to react and adapt appropriately to life’s challenges, and turn them into forward momentum to achieve your goals.
When individuals and teams are more resilient, they feel more energised and are able to approach challenges with a greater sense of purpose and motivation.
Latest Episode
Discover my latest episode here! In this podcast series I chat about everything you need to know about Resilience and how you would benefit from having more of it in your life.
Previous Episodes
Listen to my other resilience podcast episodes by clicking on the links below!
Recent Engagements
I host two more radio shows - one with Zoe Bishop (The Resilience and Wellbeing Show) and one with Rachel and Margot (Men in Menopause)
Supporting Medical Professionals to improve Communication to improve patient’s confidence and Optimism around their autoimmune treatment
Guest podcast episode with Liverpool Academy: Coaching for resilience and the dangers of burnout
A totally FREE monthly event online, , each month focussing on something tailored to help businesses seek out opportunities and grow
Keynote Speaker at the ELITE2 Conference - (Expanding Learning in Transplant Expertise) November 20th - closing the 2 Day Conference with "making better Decisions around personal Stress and Wellbeing"
Subject: "Resilience and Confidence - how to build your confidence in yourself and others"
Please email me any questions you would like answered around Resilience - russell@theresiliencecoach.co.uk"
Read my article in the Yorkshire Post: “Business owners need to consider building resilience to tackle Covid challenges”

Russell Harvey – The Resilience Coach
I’m Russell Harvey, and I am a Resilience Coach, Facilitator and Public Speaker. Watch my video for a quick intro to me, my approach and how I can help you build resilience and achieve your goals:
Services - How I can help
Executive Coaching
Through executive coaching I help you discover what you really want to change, build upon strengths and identify opportunities to achieve this.
As a facilitator, I act as a supportive guide to help your team build direction and purpose and take concrete steps to achieve their objectives.
Public Speaking
I can help with public speaking training and coaching, or by speaking about the importance of resilience at conferences and events.

More about Resilience and VUCA
Find out more about resilience, and the leadership capabilities and skills it builds to help you thrive in a VUCA world.

Clients I have worked with
Get In Touch
If you’d like to find out more about becoming more resilient, please get in touch via the contact page or on social media:
Resilience and change are interlinked and intertwined!
Our capacity and capability and desire to carry out change is heavily influenced by our levels of Resilience.
In this Episodes I mention VUCA (the world we live in is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) and how building and maintaining our Resilience enables us to deal well with a “full-on” world.