E08 - Energy - A Huge Part Of This Is About Our Strengths
E08 - Energy - A Huge Part Of This Is About Our Strengths
Welcome to Episode 8 of “How to build your Resilience”!
What Energises you? At work? In general?
What activities/tasks are you drawn to, that you look forward to doing and really enjoy?
Spreadsheets?!?! Relationship building? Results? Creativity? Collaborating?
Within this Episode, I refer to a number of factors that are in the "Energy" dimension of The Resilience Wheel, such as our Circadian Rhythms, however, this dimension is mainly about the fact that we have certain Strengths that we really enjoy doing and when we spend most of our time doing these things then we naturally build our Confidence and our Resilience.
Thinking about your next few days, which aspects of your work are you looking forward to the most…?