E09 - Resilience Strengths
E09 - 5 Resilience Strengths
Welcome to Episode 9 of “How to build your Resilience”!
This Episode is all about 5 specific Resilience Strengths:
having a high tolerance for feeling frustrated
self-acceptance - you are who you are and that's good enough
using humour well in different situations, which often enables perspective
emotional intelligence - being aware of your thoughts and feelings and how they are influencing your behaviours
having absorbing interests or maybe a hobby that you can lose yourself in.
Of course, working upon all the different aspects of Resilience (Episodes 2-8!), you will also be building your Resilience muscle, however, these 5 Resilience Strengths are additional ways in which you can demonstrate your capabilities and capacity to face into life’s challenges.
Please have a listen to find out more and consider which areas are already Resilience Strengths for you...