The benefits of coaching

When people think of coaching, some see it in a negative light. If a friend or colleague suggests to them they might benefit from coaching, they may feel it implies there is something wrong with them, that they somehow need to be ‘fixed’. I think those who take this view are missing a trick.

Coaching is something that can benefit almost everybody in one way or another, as it is designed not to ‘fix’ failures, but to strengthen and grow a person, helping them to become the best version of themselves, heighten performance, and develop the resilience to cope well with whatever life might throw at them.

Benefits to individuals

  • If we consider the origins of the word ‘coach’ it is literally a vehicle to get people from A to B, and that is what coaching is. It helps a person identify exactly where they want to be, and the steps they will take to get there.

  • It can support a person in overcoming a sense of being ‘stuck’ helping them grow and move forwards with whatever they want to achieve. If they aren’t sure what this is, it can help them develop a sense of direction and purpose.

  • It can have wide-reaching benefits, improving not only performance at work, but also improving their life generally, by helping them achieve personal goals and improve emotional intelligence to build better relationships with others.

  • It can increase self-confidence. In fact, according to a study by the Institute of Coaching[1], 80% of those surveyed who experienced coaching said that it improved their self-confidence.

  • Coaching brings a new perspective, helping people see things from another point of view, which can help unlock creativity and find new ways to overcome the barriers to success.

Benefits to the business

  • According to the Association for Coaching[2], research demonstrates consistently that businesses believe they see a significant return on investment from coaching their employees.

  • Team members are able to contribute in a more effective way, improving productivity.

  • Coaching can help an organisation identify particularly high performing individuals and enable them to reach their full potential.

  • It can help team members become more assertive, and develop more effective communication skills that benefit everyone around them.

  • Coaching can help businesses build a more engaged workforce, as they feel the organisation is taking tangible steps to invest in their personal development and well-being.

We live in a VUCA world – a term used by the US Army to refer to a world that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. This applies in the workplace more than ever now, as we enter the 4th industrial revolution of the digital age. Change is rapid, businesses are ruthless, and people need to be agile and adaptable. Those that are struggling to keep up may fear for their jobs, as companies restructure in a bid to cut costs and become leaner and more profitable.

Coaching can give employees the right mindset and resilience, to tackle today’s workplace challenges head on, creating new opportunities to grow and develop in the VUCA world in which we now live.

How are you going to get there?

How are you going to get there?