Why is a Good Line Manager Relationship Important?

Those of you who’ve been following my latest series of blogs, will now have a clear understanding of the meaning of a good line manager relationship, and the steps line managers can take to strengthen the bond between themselves and their team.


I now want to look at the importance of building a good line manager relationship.


Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie once famously said: “Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organisational objectives. It’s the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”


Line management relationships lie at the heart of this common value to enhance teamwork.


There’s absolutely no doubt that great line management is a crucial aspect of any successful organisation, as it plays a pivotal role in employee engagement, productivity, and overall organisational success.


Effective line managers foster a positive and supportive work environment, empower their team members, and ultimately contribute to the company's growth and profitability.


My checklist below identifies the importance of great line management and a Leader who is role modelling being a Resilient Leader will achieve this checklist.


Effective communication

Clear, consistent, and open communication is essential for building trust and rapport with team members. Line managers must articulate expectations, provide regular feedback, and actively listen to their team's concerns and suggestions.


Strong delegation and empowerment 

Effective delegation empowers employees to take ownership of their work - fostering a sense of accountability and engagement.


How well do you empower your people? Photo Christina wocintechchat Unsplash


Goal setting and performance management 

Line managers should collaborate with their team members to set clear and measurable goals that align with the company's objectives. Regular performance reviews provide an opportunity to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate achievements.


Coaching and development

When effective line managers invest in the growth and development of their team members by providing coaching, mentorship, and opportunities for training and skill enhancement, this not only benefits individual employees but also strengthens the overall team's capabilities.


Recognition & appreciation 

Acknowledging and appreciating employee contributions boosts morale and motivation. Line managers should regularly recognise achievements, both big and small, to create a positive and rewarding work environment.


Positive work culture 

By fostering a culture of respect, teamwork, and open communication, line managers play a significant role in shaping the overall work environment where employees feel valued and supported.


Continuous improvement

Being adaptable and willing to embrace change, effective line managers continuously seek ways to improve their skills, enhance team performance, and contribute to the organisation's overall success.


By embodying all the above components, line managers can create a high-performing team that’s engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving organisational goals.


Look out for the final blog in this series – “What are the benefits of good line manager relationships?”


If you need further information about this approach, or any other resilience topic, please contact russell@theresiliencecoach.co.uk.