Posts tagged Line Manager
What are the Benefits of Good Line Manager Relationships?

How many benefits do you want?!? Improved retention, improved, morale, improved performance, improved learning and many more. How are you currently doing on all of this?

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Why is a Good Line Manager Relationship Important?

Probably the main reason that a good Line Manager relationship os important, is that it contributes hugely to the Resilience of the people and team. This is done via effective delegation and empowerment, Coaching and development and much more.

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How to Create a Great a Line Manager Relationship

A great Line Manager relationship creates, builds and enables Resilience in both people as well as the relationship itself. You will need ot show some vulnerability which will enable your growth and personal devleopment. Your people’s engagement and efforts will increase too.

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What is a Good Line Manager Relationship?

A quality Line Manager relationship is vital for your Resilience, happiness and wellbeing. A line Manager that role models being a Resilient Leader will contribute well to this. A poor Line Manager will not.

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