The benefits of Compassion in the workplace

In my last blog I highlighted the outpouring of emotions in support of the Royal Family. I believe there are benefits of demonstrating Compassion in the workplace too.


There’s no doubt as to the impact of staff absenteeism on the UK economy.


A recent survey by leading UK HR consultancy XpertHR showed that absence levels had soared to their highest levels since 2009 – translating to an average of 7.3 sick days a year per employee, and costing employers on average £781 for each member of staff.


Business leaders need to consider what steps they can take in the workplace to ensure the success of their companies.


Whilst there are numerous attributes a successful employer should possess, a key one is compassion. Being compassionate is a core competency that good leaders should have to promote productivity and become well-regarded by their team.


Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, encompassed this notion perfectly when he said: “When we’re motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or immediate convenience.”


So, what are the key benefits of compassion within the workplace?


Less Employee Stress

Compassion promotes active communication within the workplace - employees and managers work together to resolve any issues they may have.


This reduces the stress employees might feel while working and increases their productivity.


Who doesn’t want to be less stressed…?! Photo Sylwia Bartyzel Unsplash


Employee Retention

Employees appreciate it if their managers exhibit compassion for them and understand what they’re going through at work. This is particularly true among customer-facing employees who are among the first to deal with customer complaints.


When a manager understands their situation and helps them deal with it, they’ll likely want to stay with the company; put in the work to help the company to grow and expand; and be motivated to do their best at work.


Better Relationships

Compassionate managers will have employees who’ll reciprocate the kindness and understanding.


These employees tend to stay committed to their work and aim to become productive. They also strive to reach the organisation’s targets since they see that their line managers and leaders are looking after them.


Enhanced productivity

When employees feel valued by the company, they feel better about themselves and perform well at work. They’ll also show the same compassion to their colleagues - translating to better productivity within the workplace.


What does Productivity look like to you? Photo Jason Goodman Unsplash


Watch out for my next blog: “What Is Empathy.”

 Remember too, that we are all energised differently around Compassion and Empathy; this depends upon your natural Strengths.

If you’d like to explore the subject of compassion more deeply, please contact me via Email: