The Importance of Resilient Decision-Making

Decision-making is an essential process in every organisation and can be used as a proxy for the level of resilience and agility.


Centralised decision-making processes lead to more coherent decisions at the cost of longer information flows and synchronisation delays. If decisions are distributed and frequent, the organisation might instead be more autonomous and responsive at the cost of process coherence.


Devolved decision-making to those “on the front line”, will ultimately enable an organisations agility.


How agile is your team? Really? Photo Murilo Viviani Unsplash


Having considered the meaning of resilient decision making and how to develop it, I now want to look at the importance of this crucial leadership characteristic.


  • Resilient decision makers have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why. This clear goal gives them a sense of direction and purpose, which can boost motivation and confidence.


  • Resilient decision makers assess their situation. By doing this, they reduce uncertainty and bias, and make more informed and rational choices;


  • Resilient decision makers reflect and learn – improving their skills, knowledge, and attitude; and developing a growth mindset to embrace challenges and failures;


  • Resilient decision makers build their support network - fostering trust, collaboration, and mutual learning, and reducing isolation and stress;


  • Resilient decision makers use online tools and platforms to help improve their decision-making process – saving time, reducing errors, and increasing confidence in their decisions;


  • Resilient decision makers practice mindfulness and self-care - reducing stress, enhancing focus, and boosting well-being.


  • Resilient decision makers try new things, test assumptions, and create value. This helps them discover new possibilities, solve problems, and create impact.


Look out for the final blog in this series - “What are the Benefits of Resilient Decision-Making?”


If you need further information about this approach, or any other Resilience topic, please contact