What is a Resilience Coach?
I thought I’d get right back to basics with this blog and talk about what a Resilience Coach is and what I actually do, as it’s something I am often asked. Let’s start by defining what resilience is...
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the capacity to overcome life’s hurdles and challenges. It is often described as the ability to ‘bounce back’ but I prefer to think of it as the ability to ‘spring forward’ as this implies progressing into new territory, growing and accelerating in the direction you want to go. It is about our ability to adjust and adapt what we do in response to our environment and the changes and challenges it presents - something we have all had to do a lot recently.
What does a Resilience Coach do?
Firstly I will tell you what I don’t do - I don’t tell you what to do. What I will do is give you the tools and techniques to help you find the answers within you. I am an independent person to share what’s going on inside your head and help identify solutions. Through one to one coaching sessions, group facilitation or workshops, I support you make important decisions that will steer you on to the right path. Everyone’s journey will be different. Sometimes it is difficult to see where your path lies. Perhaps you thought you were on track, but now feel as though you have lost your way, and what once felt right now feels wrong?
Are you on the right path? Is this the future you want?
I will help you find your path, whether that is getting back on the path after losing your way, or trying a new path, and equip you with the tools, through my Resilience Wheel, so you can progress with confidence.
I can support you make the right decisions when you may feel you can’t see the wood for the trees. Together we will examine what drives you, what your value system is, how you would like to support your family and what type of life you really want.
To put it simply, I deliver clarity, to help you take back command of your life.
Who does Resilience Coaching support?
Resilience coaching can support leaders who feel stuck in a rut or lost find the way out, but it is not just for those experiencing difficulties. It can be a powerful tool to harness greater success, identifying what is working well to move you from OK to outstanding!
Why do I need to build Resilience?
When you are resilient, good things happen. You will feel confident and comfortable making decisions. At the moment it might feel like there are a lot of decisions to make. The pandemic has brought about enormous changes and challenges in a short space of time. As a result you may be feeling like you have a lot on your plate. As a leader you will probably be trying to support a team remotely, which is challenging, but consider this - who is supporting you?
You may feel as though these past few months have been a period of just coping and reacting to what has been thrown at you. I call this ‘riding the rapids’ when everything around you is in turmoil and you are fighting just to stay above water, never mind steer the boat!
By building resilience, you can learn to ride the rapids more easily, taking back control and driving things in the right direction again.
As we remain in lockdown, now feels like an opportunity to pause and reflect. When the pandemic ends, what do you want from your life? Do you want things to go back to the way they were, or has the past few months made you realise you want to make some changes?
If the answer is you want to make a change, I know I can support you to take action and make that change.
What will make you take action with your personal development?