The Benefits of Tackling Change Fatigue in the Workplace
I’ve dedicated this month’s blogs to the topic of ‘change fatigue’ – starting off by defining the concept before going to look at how to tackle it in the workplace and why this is important.
I now want to conclude by considering the benefits of tackling change fatigue.
Former US President John F. Kennedy once said: “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
Although change may be an inevitable part of doing business, it’s not always embraced with open arms by employees, managers, or business owners.
Workers may be hesitant to leave the familiarity of their comfort zone or fear that they won’t be able to adapt to the change.
However, while the short-term effects of change can sometimes be painful, dealing with change in the workplace can have a positive impact on a business’s success in the long run.
And so overcoming change fatigue can lead to the following benefits:
Businesses must change and adapt to keep up with our ever increasingly more technological and developing times.
Without change, they may soon find themselves falling behind the curve and losing ground compared to competitors.
Skills growth
An organisation’s ability to nurture new skills and specialties helps the whole business, including employees to become much more well-rounded and talented.
Meanwhile, staff who perform the same jobs constantly day in and day out will never get the chance to show their skills or learn anything new to bring to the company.
Growing and developing your people will ALWAYS be important! Photo Mathias Jensen Unsplash
People development
Staff who can embrace change with a positive attitude will stand to gain much more by working with the new strategies – developing personally and creating situations where the business will automatically grow alongside them.
Enhanced business opportunities
Embracing change will continually help businesses to find and nurture new business ideas and opportunities. Having dedicated change strategies will help any organisation to move forward into new areas brought about by the new ways of working.
Improved staff morale
Companies not afraid to make changes will ultimately create higher staff satisfaction and morale.
Never forget that change is a natural part of the workplace.
By seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow you’ll be ready to not only cope with, but thrive, in today's every changing workplace.
If your organisation understands the need for and the benefits of change, and you have a willingness to say yes, accept, and embrace change, then your company will stand out above the competition.
If you’d like to explore the subject of change fatigue more deeply, please contact me via Email: