The importance of being a Resilient Leader

Throughout this month, I’ve been discussing the ever-important business trait of resilience.


Having looked at what is a resilient leader, the benefits of being a resilient leader, and how to become a resilient leader, I want to finish the programme by focusing on the importance of being a resilient leader.


Author, poet, and artists Jaeda Dewalt accurately sums up the importance of resilience in her words: “When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.”


Leading by example

Leaders play a huge role in influencing an organisation and its employees, and resilient leaders do this in a positive way.


They set a good example by staying optimistic and finding ways to get the job done.


They also put an emphasis on work-life balance and healthy stress relieving techniques - motivating employees to do the same, which helps to prevent burnout.


Embracing change

Today’s workplace is constantly changing – there’ll always be new technology, insights and competitors emerging.


Resilient leaders can adapt to this - embracing change and continuing to make decisions without getting stressed.


This helps create a sense of calm among employees - keeping the whole organisation functioning properly.


How productive and happy is your organisation? Photo Jason Goodman Unsplash


Creating a healthier, more productive workforce

Resilient leaders create a resilient workforce.


Research from Forbes – a global media company focusing on business, leadership, and lifestyle ( - shows that resilient employees are healthier, both physically and mentally.


This leads to them taking fewer sick days and being happier and more productive overall.


If you’d like to explore the subject of resilience more deeply, please contact me via Email: