How to Build Trust in the Workplace
In my previous blog I discussed the meaning of trust and introduced it as a key factor in achieving business reliance.
Trust is a central part of all human relationships, including romantic partnerships, family life, and business operations. If you don’t trust your colleagues, for example, it’s much harder to benefit from their comments and advice.
When team members trust each other, they feel supported, valued, and confident in taking risks and innovating.
So, now you know what trust is, and why it’s so important, it’s time to learn how to build trust in the workplace.
Below is a step-by-step list that will outline how to build trust with nearly anyone. Your ability to achieve the steps are all enhanced by having a good level of Resilience.
Value long-term relationships
Whilst it might suddenly seem convenient to blame someone else, or to make decisions that benefit you in the short term, consider how this approach might make others perceive you in the future.
Be honest
A reputation as someone who’s dishonest rapidly erodes trust. Always tell the truth, even if it’s awkward.
How do you show Honesty and Honour Commitments Photo Gleisson Joaquim Unsplash
Honour commitments
A trustworthy person does everything in their power to stick to agreements they’ve made. Avoid making promises that you can’t keep.
Admit when you’re wrong
People don’t like to hear excuses. If you realise you were incorrect about something, own up to it. Being vulnerable enough to admit fault will humanise you and make you appear more trustworthy.
Communicate effectively
Always try your best to communicate in a way that doesn’t leave room for misinterpretation. If you’re not sure about something during a conversation, ask questions to clarify.
Listening is just as important as speaking for effective communication. It’ll show that you care if you genuinely listen.
Be vulnerable
Being open about your emotions helps build trust, as it shows you care and that you're a person too.
Be helpful
Trustworthy people tend to go out of their way to help people if they can - not because they expect to get something out of it, but because they're genuinely a good person.
Show people that you care
People will naturally trust you more if they feel like you’re genuinely interested in them. Even something as simple as remembering and saying someone’s name can show that you care.
Stand up for what’s right
People respect honesty.
While some bosses may like “yes” people who agree with everything they say, the best leaders value insights and opinions.
Be transparent
If you explain what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, most people will understand.
Don’t keep secrets or hoard information for yourself. The people you’re building trust with are usually people on your team that you should be working collaboratively with.
Remember, none of the above will happen overnight.
Try to keep a long-term approach. Be honest, honour your commitments, admit when you’re wrong, and you’ll be well on your way to being seen as a trustworthy person.
Look out for further blogs in this series –The importance of building trust in the workplace, and The benefits of building trust in the workplace.
If you need further information about this approach, or any other resilience topic, please contact