How do you feel as the UK prepares to unlock?

What reflections do you want to take into your new future?

Resilience is about learning from life’s events so you can Spring Forward, so what have you learned about yourself and your Values? How do you wan to take this forward throughout 2021?

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What is a Resilience Coach?

What is a Resilience Coach and how can they support you?

Everyone needs a Resilience Coach! Whether your life is fantastic or you would like to make some changes and improvements.

A Resilience Coach supports you to clarify your direction of travel and Purpose, so that you can live and lead the life you want.

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How do you build a great support network?

Who is in your Support Network and how well do they Support and Challenge you?

The people that you spend most time with will be influencing your success, wellbeing and mindset more than you think.

Having a great mixture of people around you that strike the right balance will build your Resilience.

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What will persuade you to step off the hamster wheel?

How will you allow yourself to get off the hamster wheel?

It’s often a catch-22, too busy to think about yourself, although you know you need to.

Give yourself the gift of Resilience.

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Ten ways Resilience can improve Leadership

How building your Resilience can also improve your overall Leadership capacity and capabilities.

10 ideas and benefits of building your Resilience that will lead to improvements in your Leadership skills and behaviours and your people will appreciate too.

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Make time to build Resilience and reap the rewards

Making time to build your Resilience can often feel like an additional task and part of the overwhelm.

However, take a look at these “pain points” you may be experiencing and see how building your Resilience can turn them around.

Which of these Rewards energise you the most and will entice you to start?

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Self-care isn’t selfish: Why leaders should be Resilience role models

How can you be more Selfull?

That is, looking after yourself without neglecting others and as a result you may be able to provide more support.

Leaders need to be role modelling how to look after their Resilience, as this will show their teams that they have permission to also look after themselves.

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