Posts tagged Reservoir
Are some people born resilient, or is resilience learned?

Are we born with Resilience or is it learned?

A delve into the “nature versus nurture debate”!

We can all achieve Resilience and we are all individuals, therefore, our path to achieving it depends on a number of factors…

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True resilience takes teamwork

How far along the path of Hybrid are you and your organisation?

Individuals and teams that have a good grounding of Resilience will be better placed and be more open to further opportunities to redefine the world of “work”.

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How to handle mixed messages as ‘freedom day’ looms

As we’re approaching “Freedom Day” with mixed messages, feelings and thoughts about the best course of action for ourselves and others.

Once again, being Resilient will help you with any decisions that you will want to make.

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Adaptability vs Agility

Alongside being told, “you need to be Resilient”, we’re also being told to “be adaptable” and “be agile”. However is it really clear to you what these terms mean? Which one energises you more?!

Adaptable is about our overall openness to change and Agility is our capacity to quickly to change direction. There is a difference.

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Are you receptive to new ideas, or do you feel stuck in the mud?

How do you learn? What enables you to be curious and open to new ideas?

Now is the time to build your Resilience by reflecting and deciding what you want to take forward from the pandemic and what you want to leave behind.

Playing to your Strengths and challenging your confirmation bias will help.

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What will persuade you to step off the hamster wheel?

How will you allow yourself to get off the hamster wheel?

It’s often a catch-22, too busy to think about yourself, although you know you need to.

Give yourself the gift of Resilience.

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Has your resilience reservoir dried up? How to replenish it as lock down loosens

How are your levels of Resilience? Do they need a top-up?

Nearly everyone will have been drawing upon their Resilience Reservoir in recent times, therefore, it’s good to take stock and consider how to replenish it.

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