Posts tagged Behaviour
The benefits of implementing ‘behavioural change’?

Increased profits, workplace satisfaction, a “happier” workplace, improved wellbeing, stuff gets done! Just a few of the benefits of implementing Behavioural Change well. It can all be achieved!

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Implementing ‘behavioural change’

In this article I outline 5 tips to enabling and implementing change in your organisation and for goodness sake, please call out and highlight when people are actually doing the change you want and need!

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What have you learnt from the business challenges of 2022?

How do you Learn?! And what have you learnt from 2022? Resilience is about “Springing Forward, having paused, reflected, reenergised and learnt from all recent experiences (whether good or bad).

How many of the items mentioned in this article has your business been impacted by in 2022 and what have you learnt from your experiences?

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Empathy versus Compassion – what’s the difference?

Empathy and Compassion are 2 of the 24 Strengths identified by @Strengthscope. We all have varying levels of natural Energy for these. However, they are both relevant and important.

Compassion is about “caring” and Empathy is about “Understanding”, read on to find out more….

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Psychological safety: why making mistakes is good!

As humans, our earliest experiences of “learning” are mostly by making mistakes.

However, as we go through life, this principle lessens.

As a Leader - do you create a Culture where mistakes are encouraged?

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The Apprentice: Possibly the worst example of leadership in action

I know The Apprentice is a TV Programme, however, I do worry that too many people are seeing their behaviours as a way to lead and “get ahead”.

After the 2008 financial Crash, a “New Leaders Paradigm” was highlighted that would be a different way forward - and it requires Resilience as well as a healthy approach to Ego.

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How to choose the right Coach.

Once you’ve chosen to have a Coach, what do you need to do to pick the best one for you?

There are many fantastic Coaches out there (and a few not up to scratch).

This blog will help you consider what you need to do to pick the best fit for you.

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