Posts in Leadership
How to Develop Curiosity and Openness

How often to you write things down? How often do you engage in a conversation to come out on top and be right? How well do you really listen? These are just some of the considerations when developing Curiosity and Openness.

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What is Curiosity and Openness?

I define Resilience as "Sprining Forward with Learning" and learning requires openness and curiosity. Openness is one of the Big 5 Personality Traits too.

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What are the Benefits of Resilient Decision-Making?

Just some of the benefits of resilient decision-making are improvements to employee engagement and morale; better adaptability and increased confidence across the organisation. How many more can you think of?

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The Importance of Resilient Decision-Making

Resilient Decision-Making enables adaptability and agility and provides the little clarity we can in an uncertain world.

Centralised decision-making can foster a “sluggish” organisation. Devolved decision making to the front line enables agility, however, it requires senior leadership to trust their people. How trusted do you feel to make decisions?

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How to Develop Resilient Decision-Making

How do you make decision now? Remember, habits create permanence, therefore, what do you want to be permanent (and great) about your decision-making approach?

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What is Resilient Decision-Making?

Resilient decision-makers, embody my definition of Resilience, which is “Springing Forward with Learning”. They include others and collaborate as an approach and are open to being challenged.

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What are the Benefits of Good Line Manager Relationships?

How many benefits do you want?!? Improved retention, improved, morale, improved performance, improved learning and many more. How are you currently doing on all of this?

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How to Create a Great a Line Manager Relationship

A great Line Manager relationship creates, builds and enables Resilience in both people as well as the relationship itself. You will need ot show some vulnerability which will enable your growth and personal devleopment. Your people’s engagement and efforts will increase too.

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The Benefits of Resilient Leader Behaviours

Actually carrying out and implementing Resilient Leader behaviours will lead to clarity in uncertainty, a balanced attitude and a happier team - what’s not to like about that?!

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