Posts in Imagination
The Importance of Curiosity and Openness

The right questions provide a guiding hand to your Organisation. They also foster a culture of innovation, agility and adaptability. Quality conversations also build confidence. How important is it to you have these qualities within your companies culture?

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What is Curiosity and Openness?

I define Resilience as "Sprining Forward with Learning" and learning requires openness and curiosity. Openness is one of the Big 5 Personality Traits too.

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The Benefits of Building Trust in the Workplace

A Resilient Team and Organisation has to have a Trusting Culture. The benefits of Trust, enable collaboration, great decision making, improved performance, productivity and creativity, to name a few! How many more benefits of trust can you highlight?

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What is a ‘Coaching Culture’?

How do you ensure that your People are a significant element of your competitive advantage? A Coaching Culture, will enable this.

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Why is Empathy important in the workplace?

Empathy in the workplace supports, Customer Service, Relationships, Sales, Listening and Creative Thinking! To name a few!

How many of these things would you like to be better in your workplace…?

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Dame Deborah James – a Resilient inspiration to us all

There are many Role Models out there for us to be inspired and motivated by. Reflecting upon the life of Dame Deborah James, for me, she truly demonstrated Resilience. Thank you.

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Is now the right time for a resilience coach?

What reflections, learning and growth do you want to take forward into next year?

Engaging with a Coach now, is potentially more important than ever. Resilient people generally feel more focussed, calm and in command of their challenges; can see opportunities and are more likely to make emotionally intelligent decisions.

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Business owners: How do you make decisions?

How do you make decisions?

Business Owners and Leaders have to balance them as a human, data and strategy. How well do you balance these in your decision making approach.

In a VUCA World, business leaders have to “resolve a suite of dilemmas ethically and creatively”.

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